Now that you are content producing machine you will need ways to generate new ideas for each post. In the beginning you may be flooded with ideas but in a month or so, the well may run dry so you will need some ways to get re-inspired.
Current Events
Take a fresh perspective on what is currently happening in the world and how it can relate to your business or what you do. You could even take a movie and talk about how the storyline elements or plot themes relate to your business.
What is Trending in Social Media
There are a variety of sites online where you can see what is trending on social media such as Bottlenose and Trendsmap. Find a topic that could relate to your business and write about it.
Mind Map
Take out a piece of plain paper, in the very middle of the page write one broad topic or common question that relates what your business does. From that one topic, draw a line out to one side and write a single aspect of the idea or question that you could write a post about. Continue drawing lines out from the starting concept with additional ideas. If possible branch off child topics from any of the first set of ideas. If you prefer, there are mind mapping apps available like the iThoughts ($7.99) for the iPad and iPhone.
Read Blogs
It may seem a little odd, but reading other blogs that are in the same industry as you can help generate ideas. You can even write a post responding or adding perspective to a post that what written by someone else, just be sure to link back to their post.
Take Notes
You never know when an idea will strike so as soon as it does, be sure to have something handy to write it down. If you are paperless, use the notes feature on your smart phone or tablet, of course a napkin works too as long as you don’t throw it away.
Image Source: MorgueFile
Current Events
Take a fresh perspective on what is currently happening in the world and how it can relate to your business or what you do. You could even take a movie and talk about how the storyline elements or plot themes relate to your business.
What is Trending in Social Media
There are a variety of sites online where you can see what is trending on social media such as Bottlenose and Trendsmap. Find a topic that could relate to your business and write about it.
Mind Map
Take out a piece of plain paper, in the very middle of the page write one broad topic or common question that relates what your business does. From that one topic, draw a line out to one side and write a single aspect of the idea or question that you could write a post about. Continue drawing lines out from the starting concept with additional ideas. If possible branch off child topics from any of the first set of ideas. If you prefer, there are mind mapping apps available like the iThoughts ($7.99) for the iPad and iPhone.
Read Blogs
It may seem a little odd, but reading other blogs that are in the same industry as you can help generate ideas. You can even write a post responding or adding perspective to a post that what written by someone else, just be sure to link back to their post.
Take Notes
You never know when an idea will strike so as soon as it does, be sure to have something handy to write it down. If you are paperless, use the notes feature on your smart phone or tablet, of course a napkin works too as long as you don’t throw it away.
Image Source: MorgueFile