The best marketing effort is one that incorporates a variety of different approaches. No two customers are exactly the same; they don’t spend time on the same social media platforms, they don’t search precisely the same keywords and they don’t live in the same communities. A multi-pronged approach to your marketing will ensure that you reach ALL of your potential customers.
Each different approach has its benefits. While search engine optimization has taken a bit of a back seat lately to content marketing and social media marketing, it is still important. Companies need to understand how their customers conduct searches, and they need to be sure that they include those keywords and key phrases in their content. Being listed in online directories like YP and MerchantCircle can be an important way to help achieve some local visibility as well, and every company should be listed in Google Places in order to appear on Google Maps.
But to really extend your ability to advertise more product key terms in more locations than any of your competitors, you need to include one additional approach to your marketing efforts: localized keyword and key phrase listings in The Boomja Network. The Boomja Network leverages the ability of authoritative directories to rank in many cities’ local organic results. By listing with us, your business has a tremendous opportunity to gain page-one visibility. When potential customers click on the Boomja listing, they immediately see relevant content for your company and can immediately go to your website to learn more and make purchases.
The Boomja Network, like several other quality directories, has survived many algorithm changes for years, remaining one of the most powerful marketing opportunities for businesses who seek to create local visibility, even in locations where they have no physical presence. If you want to reach further, contact us for more information.
Image source: MorgueFile
Each different approach has its benefits. While search engine optimization has taken a bit of a back seat lately to content marketing and social media marketing, it is still important. Companies need to understand how their customers conduct searches, and they need to be sure that they include those keywords and key phrases in their content. Being listed in online directories like YP and MerchantCircle can be an important way to help achieve some local visibility as well, and every company should be listed in Google Places in order to appear on Google Maps.
But to really extend your ability to advertise more product key terms in more locations than any of your competitors, you need to include one additional approach to your marketing efforts: localized keyword and key phrase listings in The Boomja Network. The Boomja Network leverages the ability of authoritative directories to rank in many cities’ local organic results. By listing with us, your business has a tremendous opportunity to gain page-one visibility. When potential customers click on the Boomja listing, they immediately see relevant content for your company and can immediately go to your website to learn more and make purchases.
The Boomja Network, like several other quality directories, has survived many algorithm changes for years, remaining one of the most powerful marketing opportunities for businesses who seek to create local visibility, even in locations where they have no physical presence. If you want to reach further, contact us for more information.
Image source: MorgueFile