Custom Search Portals (Authoritative Directories)
create and influence sales in handfuls or thousands
of the specific local markets You need to reach in organic search.
Business & Shopping PortalsBoomja's business and shopping portals expand beyond general product categories into location-specific product/key-term destination pages to match the exact ways people search, as well as to provide search engines with the most specific, relevant and localized search result matches possible to return in search queries.
There are no known competitors with the ability to scale the localization and optimization of products and key-terms as rapidly or as cost-efficiently as The Boomja Network. |
Online Libraries & Centers of EmphasisOur human editors scour the Internet to find and organize highly specific information (often deep web content not accessible by search engines) into browseable easy-to-navigate categorizations that match the way people think about, search for and need this information to find answers to specific questions and to solve specific problems.
Boomja's massive categorizations of otherwise disconnected information trigger serendipitous discovery as well as massive volumes of organic search results. |
Sample Search Portals
The Boomja Network has over one million pages of localized content in 1,200+ authoritative search portals and is continuously expanding.
We will create portals that target your exact audiences at our cost if we don't have them already.